Why I Should Learn WordPress? - Matrixinfotechsolution.com

Get the answer to why you need the knowledge of Wordpress

Why I need to use WordPress?

One of the questions that we often get asked is : Isn’t my antique web page appropriate enough? Why do I want to switch to WordPress from every other platform? In case you’re asking those questions, then you’re on the right place. In this text, we are sharing 6 crucial reasons why you must use WordPress. We will also cover all the extraordinary form of websites you may create with WordPress in addition to showcase famous websites which might be using WordPress.

Updating the Concepts First

Updating the Concepts First One of the most prevalent misconceptions regarding WordPress is that it is only used for blogging.

While WordPress began as a blogging platform, it has now developed into a sophisticated website builder and content management system (CMS).

The nicest thing about WordPress is how simple it is to use and how adaptable it is to different sorts of websites. That is the primary reason for WordPress's enormous popularity. WordPress powers 32.3 percent of all websites on the internet, according to a recent poll.

Many of the world's most well-known businesses, including Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, The New York Times, and others, utilise WordPress to power their websites.

Let's look at why you should build your website with WordPress.

WordPress is Free as in Freedom

WordPress is Free as in Freedom WordPress is a completely free programme. It means you may download, install, use, and alter it as you see fit. It may be used to make any type of website. See our post Why is WordPress Free? for more information.

The WordPress software is free, but you'll need a domain name and web hosting to get it up and running.

A domain name is the internet address for your website. This is what your users put into the address bar of their browser to go to your website (for example, Matrixinfotech.com).

Web hosting is the location where all of your website's files are kept.

Are you looking for additional hosting suggestions? Check out our list of the best WordPress hosting companies.

If you need help getting your WordPress site up and running, our professional team members are delighted to assist you. What's more, we provide a free WordPress blog setup service.

You may also install WordPress on your own by following our step-by-step instructions.

If you're having trouble with WordPress, just enter your query into Google and add Matrixinfotechsolution to the end of it. Our website will most likely have the solution.

WordPress is Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins

WordPress is used by a significant number of people who are neither site designers nor programmers. In reality, the majority of people begin using WordPress with no prior experience of website design.

WordPress is the ideal choice for non-techies because there are hundreds of free website layouts (themes) to pick from. For almost any type of website (whether it's a blog, a company website, or an online store), there's a great WordPress theme.

WordPress themes are simple to alter since many of them have an options panel that allows you to change colours, add a logo, change the background, build stunning sliders, and fully personalise it to your needs without having to write any code.

Plugins may also be used to add unique functionality to your WordPress site. WordPress plugins are essentially applications for your website that allow you to add additional features like analytics, contact forms, and a membership section, among other things.

Thousands of free and premium plugins are available for you to utilise, just as there are thousands of themes. See our page on WordPress plugins and how they operate for more information.

Some WordPress plugins may convert your website into a totally new platform, in addition to offering more features. Take a look at our list of important WordPress plugins for every website, compiled by our team of experts.

WordPress is SEO Friendly

WordPress is built with high-quality, standard-compliant programming that generates semantic markup. This, in layman's terms, makes Google and other search engines adore WordPress.

This is why WordPress sites tend to rank higher in search engines than non-WordPress sites.

WordPress is built to be SEO friendly right out of the box. You may also utilise WordPress SEO plugins to improve your website's performance. See our comprehensive WordPress SEO guide for step-by-step guidance on how to correctly optimise your website.

WordPress is Easy To Manage

WordPress has an update management mechanism built in. You may now update your plugins and themes directly from the WordPress admin panel.

WordPress will also notify you when a new version of WordPress is ready, allowing you to upgrade your site with the click of a button.

You may easily use a WordPress backup plugin to automatically make backups and store them safely on a remote site to protect your data from any accident or hacking.

WordPress mobile applications allow you to manage your site while on the go.

WordPress is Safe and Secure

WordPress is Safe and Secure WordPress was created with security in mind, and it is often regarded as a very safe and secure website platform. However, the internet, like the real world, can be a dangerous place.

There are intruders out there looking to get access to as many sites as possible. There are a few easy things you can take to strengthen the security of your WordPress site. See our beginner's WordPress security guide for more information.

We use Sucuri to defend our websites from typical risks like brute force assaults and viruses.

WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types

WordPress is more than simply a text editor. It has an integrated media uploader that can handle picture, audio, and video files.

WordPress supports oEmbed enabled websites, which means you can paste the URL into the WordPress post editor to embed YouTube videos, Instagram pictures, Tweets, and Soundcloud music.

With That Said ....

I hope, now you will be able to decide if you need WordPress for your Blogging or Website needs.!

Cheers from my side, and I would like to mention that we at Matrix Infotech Solution, provide Trainings and Internship opportunities in WordPress. Do check out !

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